Email Marketing Tips For Startups

Our world is constantly changing, and so is the modern marketing environment. Despite these changes, email marketing has been one of the most useful and cost-effective marketing practices for startups.

Regardless of the type of startup, leveraging this method will certainly help you considerably with your expansion process. Email marketing is great as it helps you stay in touch with all your subscribers, and it can even help you transform your potential customers into loyal customers. Despite many predictions of its death in the evolving marketing landscape, email marketing is still around and is delivering an excellent return on investment to marketers.

And that is not all; one of the best things about email marketing is that you do not have to break the bank in order to run an email campaign. This is what makes it ideal for startups.

Here are some amazing tips and tricks on creating an effective email marketing campaign for your startup:

1.    Personalize Your Email Campaign

If you ask for an individual’s name when he or she fills out a form or subscribes to your mailing list, you should use the name when sending out emails. Try your best to personalize each email you send by using the name of the individual you’re sending it to. Also, most modern email marketing tools will help you in personalizing your interaction with all your prospects even more. This is because they give you amazing segmenting possibilities.

We can’t emphasize the fact that personalizing your emails, even if it’s just the subject line, can help build a long-lasting and fruitful relationship between you and all your subscribers. Also, it can help increase open rates by up to 26 percent.

2.    Make It Mobile-Friendly

It is no secret that more and more people are now using their smartphones instead of laptops to read their emails. The great thing is that testing your email campaign on compact smartphone screens just takes a little while. And, once you see how your emails look, then you may either leave them the way they are or make certain improvements so people on the go can see your emails properly. Keeping that in mind make sure you create a strategy that includes mobile-friendly emails.

As 62% of all email opens happen on mobile devices, it is always an excellent idea to make sure that your emails are readable and mobile-friendly.

3.    Use Social Media

Social media is now an integral part of people’s lives. You can always use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Google+ in order to grab more emails. You should first make sure that you send content that your prospects would like to share, such as engaging videos. And secondly, give your prospective customers an easy and quick way of sharing it. Add social media buttons to your campaigns to make it simple for people to like and follow you.

This also gives your prospects and followers more opportunities to share some of their favorite content, newsworthy stories, and products about your brand with those they know and love.

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