Best CTAs For Your Website

When it comes to your website, the best CTA should have striking textual visibility. While traditional CTAs like “enter” or “submit” are good but something like “download a free eBook” or “free trial” might be more appealing and force the visitor to take action.

You can enhance the look of your website CTAs by making it large enough but shouldn’t come across as intimidating. In essence, your CTA should complement your visitors’ actions.

Here are some of the most effective CTAs you can use on your website:

Get Started

“Get Started”  suggests a certain degree of readiness to your visitors. It practically puts their mind at ease to move from one step to another with a single click. If you have absolutely no idea as to which CTA you should add to your landing page, “Get Started” is arguably the best choice.

Try for Free

If you’re looking to get new customers and offer promotions on your website, “Try for Free” or “Try Free”  can open the floodgates of potential customers. “Try Free”  gives confidence to the prospect that they do not need to commit to your product and thus are open to knowing more.

View a Demo

If you operate more sales-oriented online business operations, you should add “View a Demo” to your website to encourage your visitors to demo-booking and appointments. You should think of it as a direct sales approach on your site where you can even add a link to your demo product.

Create an Account

A simple “Create Account” CTA can help your visitors inform about the creation process and fill out relevant forms. Though it may not have a prestigious appeal, it certainly can improve sign-up requests and the conversion rate of your website.

Join Free

The singular use of “Join” may discourage visitors from using your website. However, the addition of “Free” will spark curiosity among visitors to check your free product or service trial. Streaming services such as Netflix or MUBI often use the “Join Free” CTA to convince users to 1-month free trial sign-up. And guess what? It works.


There’s nothing wrong with using straightforward CTAs, but a broad one like “Explore” is more practical for your landing page. It’s also relatively more traditional that allows your visitors the chance to look for information they might be looking for. The subtle use of “Explore” can entice your website visitors to your products and services.


The similarity between “Discover” and “Explore” couldn’t be more visible. However, there’s a slight difference. Online fast-food chains, for instance, mainly use the “Discover” CTA for detailed descriptions of the menu. That said, your website can utilize “Discover” CTA in the same sense as Explore, but with a much broader appeal.

Download My Free “X”

Your CTA doesn’t necessarily have to be impersonal. It means you can add determiners such as “my” or “me” into your CTA to form a cognitive connection with your visitors. You can use this CTA for a free report, eBook, comparative analysis, or film review.

Enter Now

You can use the “Enter Now” CTA to promote an upcoming contest on your website. However, restrict its usage to contests and comparisons. You can add an exclamation mark at the end of the CTA (i.e., Enter Now!) to make sure your visitors understand the desired action.

Get X% Discount or Save X% Now

If you want to display promotions and discount offers on your website, you can use numeric CTAs like “Get X% Discount”. To sell more products, you want your visitors to get behind the percentage. You can even create a discount offer for first-time visitors that can motivate them to subscribe to your dedicated email list or complete a different action.

Contact Sales

Contact Sales can allow your visitors to get in touch with sales/support through an online chat, appointment, or call. Financial and tech industry websites often make the most out of “Contact Sales” CTAs to have a straightforward approach to their website’s landing page.

Schedule “X”

When it comes to service-oriented businesses, using the right CTAs can make all the difference. To garner commitment, you can use “Schedule a Consultation,” or “Schedule a Visit,” on your website. “Schedule X” CTA is ideal for healthcare facilities, small businesses, and fitness centers.

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