
So Who Are Your Real Competitors?

In 2017, Netflix CEO Reed Hastings famously said, “Our biggest competitor is sleep.” While most assumed Netflix’s competitors were other streaming platforms like Hulu or traditional TV, Hastings took a broader view. He realized that the real challenge was capturing people’s attention—and that anything occupying time, even sleep, was a competitor. This thinking highlights an essential point for all businesses: your competition isn’t always what you expect.

In this edition, we’ll explore how to identify your true competitors, why they matter, and how researching them can help you discover your unique selling proposition (USP).

1. Who Are Your Competitors? 

Competitors come in different forms. You’re not just competing with businesses offering the exact same product or service. Your competitors can be:

  • Direct Competitors: Those offering similar products/services to your target audience.
  • Indirect Competitors: Businesses offering different products that satisfy the same need.
  • Alternative Competitors: Solutions that don’t directly match your offering but serve the same problem, like do-it-yourself options.

💡Understand that competition can also come from businesses outside your niche, especially those tapping into the same target audience.

2. How to Identify Your Competitors?

Finding your competitors starts with understanding your market landscape. Here are a few ways to identify them:

  • Google Search: Look up your product/service and related keywords to find businesses ranking for those terms.
  • Social Media: Use platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn to discover who your audience is following and engaging with.
  • Industry Forums and Communities: See which brands are frequently mentioned or recommended in relevant online discussions.

💡Use AI-powered tools like Crayon or Owler to track and monitor competitors across multiple channels, from website updates to social media performance.

3. Why Competitor Analysis is Crucial 

Knowing your competitors allows you to:

  • Identify Gaps: What are they missing that your audience needs? This can help you carve out a space in the market.
  • Benchmark Performance: By understanding their strengths, you can set performance benchmarks and track your progress.
  • Avoid Mistakes: Studying competitor failures can help you steer clear of common pitfalls.

💡Competitor analysis isn’t about copying what others do but learning from their successes and failures to sharpen your own strategy.

4. How to Research Your Competitors to Find Your Advantage 

Here’s how you can conduct a thorough competitor analysis:

  • Website and Content Audit: Review their website for design, user experience, and content strategy. How are they engaging their audience, and what’s missing?
  • SEO and Keywords: Use tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to see which keywords your competitors are ranking for. Is there an opportunity to target underserved or niche keywords?
  • Product and Pricing Comparison: Analyze their pricing model, product features, and service offerings. Can you offer better value or a more unique feature?
  • Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Study competitor reviews to see what customers love and what they criticize. This will help you enhance your own product/service by addressing those gaps.

5. Leverage Competitor Insights to Define Your USP 

Once you’ve analyzed your competitors, use the insights to clearly define your USP. Ask yourself:

  • What can you offer that your competitors can’t?
  • How can you solve customer pain points better than anyone else?
  • What unique value do you bring to the table that sets you apart?


Don’t get carried away with competitor research! While it’s crucial to understand the market, spending too much time analyzing your competitors can lead to over-analysis and delay your own progress. Set a time limit—say, 30 mins per competitor—to gather insights, and spend the rest of your time focusing on implementing improvements and executing your unique strategy.

This way, you’ll strike the perfect balance between learning from your competition and focusing on growing your business.

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