
Build a Winning Marketing Plan in Just One Day

In this live, hands-on workshop, I’ll help you create a unique marketing strategy tailored to your business so you can stop relying solely on referrals and start attracting consistent leads with ease.

Trusted by over 600 entrepreneurs

Sneha has been instrumental in helping me be intentional with my marketing and develop a strategy to move my business forward. I appreciate the space she provides for me to share where I’m at, and her ability to help me prioritize and take action towards my goals. She is incredibly resourceful, and as a result of our work together, I always feel motivated and inspired to implement my next steps, having understood their importance. Sneha’s marketing wisdom is extensive, and I deeply value her feedback and guidance.

Vince Zabala

The Struggle is Real

Marketing Has Never Felt So Overwhelming

Let’s face it—you’re running a service-based business and while referrals are great, they come with a cost:

The constant stress and anxiety over whether you’ll have enough leads tomorrow, next week, or next month. Sound familiar? You’re not alone.

Many business owners like you face the same challenges:


Stuck in Marketing – You’ve been contemplating marketing for ages, but you’re paralyzed by indecision.


Overwhelmed by Options – Social media, email, SEO, paid ads—so many choices, but which is right for you?


Lack of Strategy – Your marketing feels disjointed; you’re throwing tactics at the wall without a cohesive plan.


Exhausted Efforts – You’re working tirelessly to attract clients and create content, yet your revenue remains stagnant.

Instead, imagine how it would feel to…

Have a proven strategy to bring in leads consistently, freeing you from constantly hunting for your next client.

Be on track to earn a comfortable 6-figure income by marketing smarter, not harder, with systems that work for you.

Feel confident and clear about your marketing, knowing exactly what works for your business and why—no more guesswork.

All of this is possible in just one day, & I’m here to show you how.

Hey there! I’m Sneha 👋

I’m a marketing expert and solopreneur with a unique journey. I began my career as a software engineer, transitioned into business analysis, and eventually found my passion in marketing and entrepreneurship.

My engineering background has given me a sharp, analytical approach to marketing. After running my own marketing agency for over 6 years and working with more than 600 clients, I’ve developed proven systems that consistently drive growth for service-based businesses like yours. I know firsthand the challenges of marketing a service business, and I’m here to help you overcome them with strategies that work.

Industry Contributions

As the Director at the Founder Institute Silicon Valley and an advisor at the Small Business Development Center (SBDC), I’m deeply committed to supporting small and local businesses. I bring this dedication to every workshop I teach, ensuring you leave with the confidence and tools you need to grow your business.

Why Learn from Me?

  • My experience spans multiple disciplines—engineering, business analysis, marketing, and entrepreneurship—giving me a 360-degree perspective on what it takes to create sustainable growth.
  • I’ve created tools and frameworks that simplify marketing strategy, making it accessible to business owners of all levels.
  • With my proven, real-world templates, you’ll be able to apply what you learn immediately, setting you up for success.

Certificate of Recognition

U.S. House of Representatives

Council Member

Forbes Business Council

Women of Influence 2021

Silicon Valley Business Journal

10 Admired Women in Business

Aspioneer Magazine


Growth Marketing Masterclass

In this one day workshop I will help you create a step-by-step marketing plan tailored to your service-based business so you can consistently attract and book more clients—with ease.

Sneha provided the guidance I needed to create a marketing plan and move forward with confidence!

Tenea Nelson

Built specifically for service-based small businesses

This isn’t your typical “one-size-fits-all” marketing workshop. The Growth Marketing Masterclass is designed specifically for you, with a framework that’s simple yet incredibly effective.

Real Results, Not Just Best Practices

You’ll learn the exact system that has helped over 600 businesses build a consistent, reliable flow of clients. It’s not about “best practices”—it’s about what works.

Leverage AI to Save Time and Money

Discover how to use AI tools to streamline your marketing efforts, getting more done in less time while saving on costs—without compromising quality.

Intentional, Not Overwhelming

The focus is on being intentional, with strategies that are both practical and sustainable. No more trying to fit your business into a cookie-cutter plan.

Marketing Your Service Business, Simplified

Workshop Agenda

Learn how to create a tailored marketing strategy that fits your unique business and helps you hit your revenue goals—without relying on referrals alone.

Craft a Strategy That Works for You

You’ll walk away with a customized marketing plan that aligns with both your business and marketing objectives giving you a clear roadmap to success.

Master the Power of Positioning

You’ll be able to effectively position your services, communicate your value, and engage your audience. Plus, I’ll show you how to repurpose content to save time and effort. You’ll never run out of content ideas again! 

Choose the Right Channels & Tools

I’ll help you prioritize the best marketing channels based on your business goals, audience, and strategy. Plus, we’ll dive into using AI and automation to streamline campaigns and maximize efficiency.

By the End of This Workshop…

You’ll walk away with a unique, effective marketing plan tailored to your business. A plan that will help you consistently attract new clients, grow your revenue, and take your business to the next level.

Exclusive Bonus

Extra Support to Ensure Your Marketing Success

Group Coaching Call with Sneha

Get personalized feedback on your marketing strategy directly from Sneha during a live group coaching session. This is your chance to refine your plan and ensure it’s perfectly aligned with your goals.

Marketing Your Service Business Blueprint

A step-by-step guide packed with examples, templates and prompts designed to help you create a unique marketing strategy tailored to your business. It’s your go-to resource for crafting a plan that works.

Workshop Details

Date & Time

  • Live Workshop: October 22, 2024, at 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM PST
  • Follow-up Group Coaching: October 24, 2024, at 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PST

What to Expect:

A hands-on, 2-hour live workshop where you’ll create your personalized marketing strategy, followed by a 60-minute group coaching session to answer your questions and provide additional support.

A recording of both the workshop and group coaching will be provided so you can revisit the content anytime.

Ready to Book More Clients with Ease?

Let’s create a marketing plan that’s not only unique to your business but also effective and actionable.  Together, we’ll create a unique, effective, and actionable strategy that moves you beyond referrals and into sustainable growth.

Sneha’s insights during our call were incredibly valuable. She thoroughly reviewed my sales process and provided actionable advice. Her suggestions on improving the closing rate and finding new qualified leads were spot-on, and I feel much more confident in my approach now. I recommend Sneha for anyone looking to improve their sales strategy.

Oran Cohen

Is This Workshop Right for You?

This workshop is for you if…

You’re a coach, consultant, or service-based business owner ready to grow beyond referrals and build a consistent flow of leads.

You’re willing to put in the work to create and execute a marketing plan that’s tailored to your business.
You’re overwhelmed by all the marketing channels and need clear guidance on which ones make sense for your goals.
You’ve been trying different strategies but aren’t seeing the consistent revenue growth you want.
You’re ready to finally create a marketing plan that works and gets real results.

This workshop isn’t for you if…

You’re selling a consumer product like a mobile app or FMCG items—these strategies are best suited for B2B products and services.

You’re looking for a get-rich-quick scheme. These strategies take time and effort to deliver sustainable results.

Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t know marketing. Is this for me?

Yes! This workshop is designed to simplify marketing and make it accessible, no matter your experience level. I’ll walk you through each step.

Will you help create a social media strategy?
Yes! We’ll cover how to choose the right channels for your business, which includes social media, and how to build a content engine that works for you.
Can I get 1:1 consultation instead of group coaching?
This workshop includes group coaching, but if you’re interested in 1:1 consultation, feel free to reach out for more details.
When is the group coaching call?
The group coaching call is scheduled for October 24, 2024, at 11:00 AM PST.
What if I can’t attend live?
I highly recommend attending live to get the most out of the interactive session and real-time feedback. However, if you can’t make it, you’ll still get the full recording to watch at your convenience. If you prefer not to access the recording, we’ll refund your registration—no questions asked.
Do you have a refund policy?
Yes, if you’re unable to attend the live workshop and don’t want access to the recording, we will refund your registration—no questions asked.

You Got This!

Welcome to the Growth Marketing Masterclass, the ultimate workshop for service-based businesses ready to level up their marketing and grow beyond referrals.

When you join today, you’ll get:


A live, interactive workshop where you’ll create your personalized marketing plan

Workshop recording for lifetime access, so you can revisit the material anytime
A proven marketing plan template that’s helped over 600 businesses achieve consistent growth
Lifetime access to all materials, ensuring you’re equipped for long-term success
ChatGPT prompts to help you generate content and streamline your efforts
BONUS: Group coaching call for personalized feedback and support
BONUS: Marketing blueprint guide packed with examples and templates to guide you

This is your opportunity to take control of your marketing and build a plan that works for your business. Don’t wait—Spots are limited to ensure personalized attention

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